Tuesday, April 12, 2011

If you’re selfish and you know it, raise your hand.

Alright.  The first stop on my journey as a Bride In Waiting is to address and correct my selfishness.  I Am Selfish.  Now, I will lend you five dollars to buy lunch.  I will give you my last stick of gum if you ask for it, and I will even buy you that gadget you were looking for, but couldn’t find if I should come across it while running errands.  Yet, still I am selfish. How so? Self-centeredness.  I currently do not set aside cash to provide for those in need.  I do not bring extras just in case someone else may want one, and I do not dedicate time to assist others in their causes without being specifically asked. In short, I don’t really act with others’ needs in mind.  Their needs tend to be an afterthought, yet “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Philippians 2:3-4).  These are the words I hear when I recount how self-seeking I am.

So, how do I plan to correct my selfishness? First up, I plan to study The Word on the perils and warnings against selfishness.  I’m an audio-visual learner, and so I purchased several taped sermons on selfishness: one by James A. McMenis whose teachings provide a plethora of Scriptures, and several others by Joyce Meyer who has spoken a great deal on the issue of selfishness. 


I’ll let you know what I learn.

A Bride In Waiting

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